I found all the exercise before quizzes or tests are useful, and that made me did reasonable OK on test and quizzed. Also by going to class every time and take notes, the questions are familiar.

My favorite image I built is built by
(scale 2(apply overlay (map rotate-ellipse (range 0 180 30))))
which looks like this:

I initially found the list of list from last Friday's class hard since at that time I didn't have the list of famous computer scientists. I couldn't run the functions related to it so I got nervous. Luckily the professor posted all her DrRacket files used in class on the course website. I tried again at home and solved the issue.

I would go to the office and ask questions when I have one. I think now is fine since all the other courses seems just like this course did:  TA office hours and Piazza. 


